Best Poster Prize at Dutch SPM Day 2024 | Arturo Rodríguez Sota |
Heinz-Bethge-Preis für Materialwissenschaften 2022 | Dr. Lucas Schneider |
Best Poster Award JEMS 2022 | Vishesh Saxena |
Lenz-Ising Award 2020 | Cody Friesen |
Highly Cited Researcher Award 2019 | Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger |
Honorary Medal "De Scienta et Humanitate Optime Meritis" of the Czech Academy of Sciences 2019 | Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger |
Prof. Dr. Jürgen-Geiger-Preis 2019 | Dr. Niklas Romming |
Otto Stern Preis 2019 | Lucas Schneider |
Best Poster Award SoS2 Workshop 2018 | Lucas Schneider |
ERC Advanced Grant 2018 | Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger |
Poster Award LT-28 2017 | Dr. Alexandra Palacio-Morales |
Best Student Poster Award JEMS 2016 | Lorenz Schmidt |
INSPIRE Faculty Award of the Government of India 2016 | Dr. Sujit Manna |
Julius Springer Prize for Applied Physics 2016 | Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger |
cfaed Distinguished Lecturer 2015 | Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger |
First degree individual scientific Award of the President of Poznan University of Technology 2015 | Dr. Maciej Bazarnik |
Hamburger Wissenschaftspreis 2015 | Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger |
Heinrich Rohrer Grand Medal 2014 | Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger |
National Thousand Talent Program China 2014 | Dr. Yingshuang Fu |
Nicholas Kurti European Science Prize 2014 | Dr. Alexander Khajetoorians |
Otto Stern Preis 2013 | Niklas Romming |
ERC Advanced Grant 2013 | Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger |
Gaede-Preis 2013 | Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann |
Best Postdoc Poster Award ICMM2012 | Dr. Jens Brede |
Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan 2012 | Dr. Yasuo Yoshida |
ECOSS Prize 2012 | Anika Schlenhoff |
Gerhard Ertl Young Investigator Award 2012 | Dr. Alexander Khajetoorians |
ECOSS Prize 2011 | Matthias Menzel |
Chinese Government Award for Outstanding PhD Students Abroad 2011 | Dr. Lihui Zhou |
1st Prize for "Understandable Science" 2010 | Dr. Stefan Krause |
Nanotechnology Recognition Award of the American Vacuum Society 2010 | Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger |
Prof. Dr. Jürgen-Geiger-Preis 2010 | Dr. Stefan Krause |
ThyssenKrupp Dissertationspreis 2009 | Dr. Uwe Kaiser |
ERC Advanced Grant 2008 | Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger |
IEEE Distinguished Lecturer 2007 | Dr. habil. Matthias Bode |
Gaede-Preis 2006 | JP Dr. Stefan Heinze |
Hertha Sponer Preis 2005 | Dr. Elena Vedmedenko |
Förderpreis der Hamburgischen Stiftung für Wissenschaften, Entwicklung und Kultur Helmut und Hannelore Greve 2004 | Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann |
1st Prize Poster Award SPM 2004 | Dr. Makoto Ashino |
Nanowissenschaftspreis 2004 | Dr. Oswald Pietzsch |
Walter Schottky Preis 2004 | PD Dr. Markus Morgenstern |
Philip Morris Forschungspreis 2003 | Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger und Dr. habil. Matthias Bode |
Prof. Dr. Jürgen-Geiger-Preis 2002 | Dipl.-Phys André Kubetzka |
1st Prize Poster Award MML 2001 | Dipl.-Phys Robert Ravlic |
Max-Auwärter-Preis 2000 | PD Dr. Mathias Getzlaff |
Gaede-Preis 1999 | PD Dr. Udo Schwarz |
Karl Heinz Beckurts-Preis 1999 | Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger |
Max-Auwärter-Preis 1992 | Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger |
Gaede-Preis 1992 | Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger |
Member of the European Academy of Sciences 2016 | Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger |
International Fellow of the Surface Science Society of Japan 2015 | Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger |
Doctor honoris causa of TU Poznan, Poland 2015 | Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger |
Foreign Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences 2013 | Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger |
Fellow of the American Vacuum Society 2012 | Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger |
Honorary Professor of Harbin Institute of Technology, China 2012 | Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger |
Mitglied der Deutschen Akademie der Technikwissenschaften acatech, 2008 | Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger |
Mitglied der Akademie der Wissenschaften, Hamburg 2005 | Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger |
Mitglied der Jungiusgesellschaft, Hamburg 2000 | Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger |
Mitglied der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, Halle 2000 | Prof. Dr. Roland Wiesendanger |
Alexander von Humboldt-Forschungsstipendium 2023 | Eva Cortés-del Rio |
Alexander von Humboldt-Forschungsstipendium 2023 | Harim Jang |
Alexander von Humboldt-Forschungsstipendium 2022 | Dr. Alexander Belozerov |
Alexander von Humboldt-Research Fellowship 2019 | Prof. Dr. Philip Egberts |
Alexander von Humboldt-Forschungsstipendium 2017 | Dr. Levente Rózsa |
Alexander von Humboldt-Forschungsstipendium 2015 | Dr. Alexandra Palacio-Morales |
Emmy-Noether-Stipendium 2013 | Dr. Alexander Khajetoorians |
Alexander von Humboldt-Forschungsstipendium 2010 | Dr. Jessica Bickel |
Heisenberg-Stipendium 2004 | PD Dr. Markus Morgenstern |
Emmy-Noether-Stipendium 2001 | Dr. Stefan Heinze |
Heisenberg-Stipendium 1999 | PD Dr. Udo Schwarz |
Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology |
Dr. Dongfei Wang |
Professor, University of Groningen |
Dr. Roberto Lo Conte |
W2-Professor, University of Münster |
Dr. Anika Schlenhoff |
Ass.-Professor, University Paris-Sud |
Dr. Alexandra Palacio-Morales |
Ass.-Professor, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan |
Dr. Pin-Jui Hsu |
Ass.-Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi |
Dr. Sujit Manna |
Full Professor, Radboud University Nijmegen |
Dr. Alexander Khajetoorians |
Professor, Kanazawa Institute of Technology |
Dr. Makoto Ashino |
Ass.-Professor, Cleveland State University |
Dr. Jessica Bickel |
Ass.-Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Dr. Shiro Yamazaki |
Full Professor, Huazhong University of Sciences and Technology |
Dr. Yingshuang Fu |
Ass.-Professor, University of Tokyo |
Dr. Yasuo Yoshida |
Professor, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan |
Dr. Germar Hoffmann |
Professor, University of Zaragoza |
Dr. David Serrate |
W3-Professor, University of Würzburg |
Dr. Matthias Bode |
W3-Professor, University of Kiel |
Dr. Stefan Heinze |
Ass.-Professor, Tohoku University, Sendai |
Dr. Katsushi Hashimoto |
Ass.-Professor, University of Tokyo |
Dr. Tomohiro Matsui |
Professor, University of Salento, Lecce |
Dr. Giuseppe Maruccio |
C4-Professor, RWTH Aachen |
Dr. Markus Morgenstern |
C3-Professor, University of Düsseldorf |
Dr. Mathias Getzlaff |
Full Professor, Yale University |
Dr. Udo Schwarz |
Professor, Tohoku University, Sendai |
Dr. Nobuki Tezuka |
Full Professor, University of Houston |
Dr. Shuheng Pan |
2021 - Realizing topological boundary modes in bottom-up constructed magnetic nanostructures on superconducting surfaces | Dr. Lucas Schneider |
2018 - Spin-lifetimes of bottom-up constructed nanomagnets | Dr. Jan Hermenau |
2017 - Discovery and Manipulation of Individual Skyrmions in Ultrathin Magnetic Films | Dr. Niklas Romming |
2017 - Tuning Single Atom Magnetism and Non-Collinear Magnetic Interactions in Nanostructures by STM | Dr. Manuel Steinbrecher |
2014 - Imaging and Switching Individual Nanomagnets with Spin-Polarized Scanning Field Emission Microscopy | Dr. Anika B. Schlenhoff |
2011 - Non-collinear magnetic ground states observed in iron nanostructures on iridium surfaces | Dr. Matthias Menzel |
2011 - Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Phthalocyanine Molecules deposited on Surfaces | Dr. Jens Brede |
2011 - Single-Atom Magnetism Mapped by Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy | Dr. Lihui Zhou |
2008 - Thermal and Current-Induced Magnetization Switching of Fe/W(110) Nanoislands Investigated by Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy | Dr. Stefan Krause |
2007 - Magnetische Austauschkraftmikroskopie | Dr. Uwe Kaiser |
2004 - Iron nanostructures studied by spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy | Dr. Kirsten von Bergmann |
2003 - Aufbau einer 300mK-Ultrahochvakuum-Rastertunnelmikroskopie-Anlage mit 14 Tesla Magnet und spinpolarisierte Rastertunnelspektroskopie an ferromagnetischen Fe-Inseln | Dr. André Wachowiak |
2002 - Spinpolarisierte Rastertunnelmikroskopie an magnetischen Nanostrukturen: Fe/W(110) | Dr. André Kubetzka |
2001 - Magnetic Imaging by Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy Applied to Ultrathin Fe/W(110) Films | Dr. Oswald Pietzsch |
2000 - First-Principles Theory of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Applied to Transition-Metal Surfaces | Dr. Stefan Heinze |
1996 - Strukturelle und lokale elektronische Eigenschaften ultradünner Eisenfilme auf W(110) | Dr. Matthias Bode |