Probing Weakly Hybridized Magnetic Molecules by Single-Atom Magnetometry
E. Sierda, M. Elsebach, R. Wiesendanger, and M. Bazarnik,
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Stable bismuth sub-monolayer termination of Bi2Se3
M. Hermanowicz, W. Koczorowski, M. Bazarnik, M. Kopciuszynski, R. Zdyb, A. Materna, A. Hruban, R. Czajka, and M.W. Radny,
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Exploring the Relation Between Intramolecular Conjugation and Band Dispersion in One-Dimensional Polymers
C. García-Fernández, E. Sierda, M. Abadía, B. Bugenhagen, M.H. Prosenc, R. Wiesendanger, M. Bazarnik, J.E. Ortega, J. Brede, E. Matito, and A. Arnau,
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On-Surface Oligomerization of Self-Terminating Molecular Chains for the Design of Spintronic Devices
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Toward Tailored All-Spin Molecular Devices
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Investigating the differences between Co adatoms states on surfaces of selected bismuth chalcogenides
M. Waśniowska, M. Sikora, M. Dobrzański, T. Eelbo, M. M. Soares, M. Rams, I. Miotkowski, R. Wiesendanger, R. Berndt, Z. Kąkol, and A. Kozłowski,
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Multi-layer and multi-component intercalation at the graphene/Ir(111) interface
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Mechanism of a molecular photo-switch adsorbed on Si(100)
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Long-range magnetic coupling between nanoscale organic–metal hybrids mediated by a nanoskyrmion lattice
J. Brede, N. Atodiresei, V. Caciuc, M. Bazarnik, A. Al-Zubi,
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Local tunnel magnetoresistance of an iron intercalated graphene-based heterostructure
R. Decker, M. Bazarnik, N. Atodiresei, V. Caciuc, S. Blügel, and R. Wiesendanger,
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Spin-resolved imaging and spectroscopy of individual molecules with sub-molecular spatial resolution
J. Brede and R. Wiesendanger,
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Tailoring Molecular Self-Assembly of Magnetic Phthalocyanine Molecules on Fe- and Co-Intercalated Graphene
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Atomic-scale magnetism of cobalt-intercalated graphene
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Spin-resolved characterization of single cobalt phthalocyanine molecules on a ferromagnetic support
J. Brede and R. Wiesendanger,
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Real-space observation of spin-split molecular orbitals of adsorbed single-molecule magnets
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Reversible chiral switching of Bis(phthalocyaninato) Terbium(III) on a metal surface
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Controlled sequential dehydrogenation of single molecules by scanning tunneling microscopy
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Design of the Local Spin-polarization at the Organic-Ferromagnetic Interface
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Spin- and Energy-Dependent Tunneling through a Single Molecule with Intramolecular Spatial Resolution
J. Brede, N. Atodiresei, G. Hoffmann, S. Kuck, P. Lazić, V. Caciuc, Y. Morikawa, S. Blügel, and R. Wiesendanger,
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Adsorption behavior of asymmetric Pd pincer complexes on a Cu(111)
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The disposition of the axial ligand in the physical vapor
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Steering two dimensional molecular growth via dipolar interaction
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Dynamics of molecular self-ordering in tetraphenyl porphyrin monolayers on metallic substrates
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Adsorption and Conformation of Porphyrins on Metallic Surfaces
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Symmetry reduction of metal phthalocyanines on metals
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"Naked" Iron-5,10,15-triphenylcorrole on Cu(111): Observation of Chirality on a Surface and Manipulation of Multiple Conformational States by STM
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A versatile variable-temperature scanning tunneling microscope for molecular growth
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Scanning tunneling microscope study of iron(II) phthalocyanine
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