3rd International Symposium on Vortex Dynamics"


29. November - 2. December 2009
Hamburg, Germany

This symposium will take place Nov. 29 - Dec. 2 in Hamburg, Germany, and is funded by the Collaborative Research Center (Sonderforschungsbereich) 668 "Magnetism from Single Atoms to Nanostructures" and by the LEXI-Cluster "Nano-Spintronics". The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg is well-known for its rich history as a center of trade and travel. The University of Hamburg has adopted this tradition and calls itself "The Gateway to the World of Science". It has a long history of research in magnetism, and particularly magnetic vortex dynamics. In 1943, Otto Stern received the Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery of the magnetic moment of the proton here in Hamburg some ten years earlier, and in 1968, Werner Döring's work on point singularities helped to establish the magnetic vortex as a research topic.

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PD Dr. Guido Meier, University of Hamburg
Dr. Markus Bolte, University of Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Bartel Van Waeyenberge, Ghent University

We gratefully acknowledge financial support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft via the Graduiertenkolleg 1286 "Functional Metal-Semiconductor Hybrid Systems" and the SFB 668 - Collaborative Research Center on "Magnetism: from a single atom to nanostructures" as well as the LEXI-Cluster "Nano-Spintronics" of the University of Hamburg



University of Hamburg,
Jungiusstrasse 11,
D-20355 Hamburg


Scientific Scope

The purpose of this international symposium is to strengthen the scientific community that focuses its research on the dynamics of magnetic vortices in confined structures, micro- and nanoelements and nanowires) by bringing together experts in this field that share their latest research results with each other. By conjoining experimental, analytical, and simulational expertise, the symposium will facilitate the dissemination of knowledge as well as identify the remaining challenges in the field, thus helping to establish vortex dynamics as a research topic within the magnetic community.


Invited Speakers

Dr. Stuart Parkin  IBM Almaden
Dr. Yves Acremann Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (SSRL)
Prof. Dr. Sang-Koog Kim  Seoul Natl. University
Dr. Valentyn Novosad Argonne National Laboratory
Prof. Dr. Yury Gaididei  Kiev University, Radiophysics Faculty
PD Dr. Mathias Kläui  Universität Konstanz
PD Dr. Riccardo Hertel FZ Jülich
Prof. Dr. Bartel Van Waeyenberge Ghent University, MPI Stuttgart


Speakers from Hamburg

Dipl. Phys. Lars Bocklage University of Hamburg
Dipl. Phys. Stellan Bohlens University of Hamburg
Dr. Markus Bolte University of Hamburg
Dr. Jens Wiebe University of Hamburg
Dr. André Drews  University of Hamburg
Dr. Benjamin Krüger   University of Hamburg
Dipl. Phys. Michael Martens University of Hamburg
Dipl. Inf. Massoud Najafi University of Hamburg
Dipl. Phys. Andreas Vogel University of Hamburg


PD Dr. Guido Meier
Department of Physics
University of Hamburg
Jungiusstraße 11
D-20355 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 40-42838 2903
Telefax: +49 40-42838 3954
E-Mail: meier@physnet.uni-hamburg.de

Dr. Markus Bolte
Department of Informatics
University of Hamburg
Vogt-Kölln-Str. 30
D-22527 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 40-42883-2436
Telefax: +49 40-42883-2552
E-Mail: mbolte@informatik.uni-hamburg.de



The workshop will take place in Hamburg, which is the science, culture, business and trade center in the northern part of Germany.

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