22.-23. September 2011

Hörsaal des Instituts für Angewandte Physik
Jungiusstrasse 11 A, 20355 Hamburg



22. September 2011

09.00 Begrüßung und Einführung durch den Sprecher
09.10 Régis Decker:
"Structure and magnetic properties of Co-intercalated graphene/Ir(111)"
09.30 Alejandra Escribano:
"Optical switches in molecular magnets"
09.50 Annika Frank:
"From molecules to nanostructures: Fine tuning interaction strength for tailor-made spintronic devices"
10.10 Carmen Herrmann:
"Electronic communication through molecular bridges in coupled spin systems and molecular electronics"
10.30 Coffee break
11.00 Michael Karolak:
"The Role of Spin and Orbital degrees of freedom in transport through Transition Metal-Benzene sandwich molecules"
11.20 Julien Bachmann:
"Molecules as functional surfaces on nanostructures"
11.40 Tim Böhnert:
"Seebeck and magnetoresistance measurements of individual nanowires"
12.00 Matthias Hille:
"Correlation of magnetoresistance measurements with domain imaging in Co/Pt nanowires"
12.20 Lunch
14.00 Taras Slobodsky:
"Metal-semiconductor interfaces for spintronics"
14.20 Thomas Kamionka:
"Influence of temperature on the gyrotropic eigenmode of magnetic vortices"
14.40 Benjamin Krüger:
"Influence of inhomogeneous current paths on current-driven magnetization dynamics"
15.00 Gerrit Winkler:
"Anisotropic interface magnetoresistance"
15.20 Coffee break
15.50 Shiro Yamazaki:
"Local transport study on structured graphene using a four-probe scanning tunneling microscope"
16.10 André Drews:
"µMagnum: A high-performant micromagnetic simulator and its applications in nanospintronics"
16.30 Boris Wolter:
"Magnetic contributions to atomic friction"
16.50 Hannes Bistry:
"Macroscale robot perception algorithms applied to nanoscale manipulators"


23. September 2011

09.00 Leonhard Müller:
"Resonante magnetische Streuung an FLASH"
09.20 Dieter Lott:
"X-ray and neutron scattering methods for the investigation of magnetic nanostructures"
09.40 Tatyana Guryeva:
"Magnetic structure of finite spin systems"
10.00 Mahboubeh Hortamani:
"Origin of spin-orbit splitting in metallic films on W(110) surfaces"
10.20 Coffee break
10.50 Christoph Piefke:
"Spin-orbit effects in strongly correlated metals"

11.10 Alexander Joura:
"Correlated electrical current: insights from nonequilibrium theory"
11.30 Projektleitertreffen
12.30 Ende der Veranstaltung

Weitere Informationen

Heiko Fuchs
Department of Physics
University of Hamburg
Jungiusstraße 11
D-20355 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 40-42838 5969
Telefax: +49 40-42838 3954
E-Mail: hfuchs@physnet.uni-hamburg.de



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