3.-4. März 2010

Hörsaal des Instituts für Angewandte Physik
Jungiusstrasse 11 A, 20355 Hamburg



3. März 2010

09.00 Begrüßung und Einführung durch den Sprecher
09.10 Daniel Stickler:
"Soft x-ray holographic microscopy".
09.30 André Drews:
"Dynamical characteristics and possible applications of magnetic vortices and antivortices".
09.50 Lars Bocklage:
"Dependence of magnetic domain-wall motion on a fast changing current".
10.10 Benjamin Krüger:
"Magnetization dynamics in thin film elements".
10.30 Coffee break
11.00 Wolfgang Kreutzpaintner:
"Structural and interface properties of Co/Pt multilayers, Ni2MgIn/MgO nanostructures, and iron oxide nanoparticles".
11.20 Matthias Hille:
"Effect of the iron overlayer thickness on the first and second order anisotropy constants of a (Co/Pt)8 multilayer film".
11.40 Tatyana Guryeva:
"Determination of spin structures in multilayers by cross-sectional magnetic x-ray diffraction".
12.00 Tim Böhnert:
"Electrochemical synthesis of Cu/Co multilayer-nanowires and outlook on their thermoelectric characterization."
12.20 Lunch
14.00 Robert Wieser:
"Current driven domain wall motion in cylindrical nanowires".
14.20 Jesco Topp:
"Rolled-up spin-wave resonators".
14.40 Ursula Wurstbauer:
"Remarkable long spin relaxation time and extraordinary metastabilities in magnetic two-dimensional hole systems"
15.00 Bruno Chilian:
"Determining the magnetism of single atoms on a semiconductor surface".
15.20 Coffee break
16.00 René Schmidt:
"Magnetic exchange force microscopy".
16.20 Sara Taheri:
"Self-assembly of magnetic nanoparticles".
16.40 Alina Chanaewa:
"Carbon nanotubes functionalized with magnetic nanoparticles as spintronic material".
17.00 Alexander Joura:
"Nonequilibrium transport: paths to explore".


4. März 2010

09.00 Annik Abel:
"Molecules as functional surfaces on nanostructures".
09.20 Sabrina Trtica:
"Photo-induced switches between paramagnetic cobaltocenes".
09.40 Annika Frank:
"Use of photochromic induced switches in dinuclear paramagnetic complexes".
10.00 Lihui Zhou:
“Using single-atom magnetization curves to study magnetic interaction“.
10.20 Boris Wolter:
"Study on automated atom manipulation".
10.40 Coffee break
11.00 Projektleitertreffen
12.00 Ende der Veranstaltung

Weitere Informationen

Heiko Fuchs
Department of Physics
University of Hamburg
Jungiusstraße 11
D-20355 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 40-42838 5969
Telefax: +49 40-42838 3954
E-Mail: hfuchs@physnet.uni-hamburg.de



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