International Workshop "Quantum transport in nanostructures"
International Workshop "Quantum transport in nanostructures"
8. - 10. October 2008 Hamburg, Germany
would like to invite you to participate in the International Workshop
on the "Quantum transport in nanostructures", which will take
place from the 8th of October to the 10th of October 2008,
as part of the scientific program of the Collective Research Center on
"Magnetism: from a single atom to nanostructures" and the inauguration
of the "International Ising Center for theoretical physics and
computational nanoscience", at the department of physics in Hamburg.
Download the Workshop-Flyer
Juniorprof. Dr. Stefan Heinze Prof. Dr. Alexander Lichtenstein Prof. Dr. Daniela Pfannkuche and SFB 668 - Collaborative Research Center on "Magnetism: from a single atom to nanostructures" of the University of Hamburg

Wolfgang-Pauli Lecture Hall, University of Hamburg, Jungiusstrasse 11, D-20355 Hamburg Germany
Scientific ScopeFor
more than 80 years in Hamburg renown physicists, like Otto Stern,
Wolfgang Pauli and Ernst Ising have contributed to the understanding of
magnetic systems. Nowadays the focus lies on the control of transport
properties of artificial nanosystems which requires the understanding
of local spin, charge and orbital quantum fluctuations in complicated
impurity systems and molecular contacts. These effects are now
accessible with spin polarized scanning tunneling microscopy at the
atomic scale, as well as by new laser spectroscopy techniques with time
resolution on the attosecond scale. The aim of this workshop is to
bring together experts on the theory of non-local quantum correlations
and transport through nanosystems with experts on these new
experimental advances, in order to understand future challenges in the
field of quantum spintronics.
Scientific ProgramTuesday:
| 19:00-22:00 | Get together |
| | Wednesday:
08:00-08:50 |
Registration | 09:00-09:50
| M. Aono (Tsukuba, Japan): Electrical Conductivity of Organic and Inorganic Nanowires
| 09:50-10:40
| G. Cuniberti (Dresden, Germany): Modeling molecular junctions: Pitfalls and caveats in understanding quantum transport at the molecular scale
| 10:40-11:10
| Coffee break
| 11:10-12:00
| H. Weber (Erlangen, Germany): Transport through single molecules: polarization, dynamics and Kondo | 12:00-13:30
| Lunch break
| 13:30-14:20
| M. Wegewijs (RWTH Aachen, Germany): Transport through single molecule transistors: Breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer and sequential tunneling picture
| 14:20-15:10
| E. Tsymbal (University of Nebraska, USA): Electron tunneling: from magnetic to ferroelectric tunnel junctions
| 15:10-15:40
| Coffee break
| 15:40-16:30
| Ph. Mavropoulos (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany): Spin injection, manipulation, and detection in silicon
| 17:00
| Poster Session
| Thursday:
A. Calzolari (Modena, Italy): Ab initio transport properties of carbon-based nanostructures
| 09:50-10:40
| H. C. Manoharan (Stanford, USA): Spins on graphene
| 10:40-11:10
| Coffee break
| 11:10-12:00
| J. J. Palacios (Alicante, Spain): Graphene spintronics
| 12:00-13:30
| Lunch break
| 13:30-14:20
| S. Sanvito (Dublin, Ireland): The challenges of computational molecular spintronics
| 14:20-15:10
| K. S. Thygesen (Lyngby, Denmark): Electronic correlations and inelastic scattering in transport through molecules
| 15:10-15:40
| Coffee break
| 15:40-16:30
| L. Glazman (Yale, USA): Universal spectral function of 1D interacting fermions
| 19:00 | Conference Dinner | Friday:
E. Scheer (Konstanz, Germany): Electronic transport through ferromagnetic single-atom contacts
| 09:50-10:40
| F. Anders (Bremen, Germany): Quantum transport through
nano-devices: A scattering-states numerical renormalization group approach
to open quantum systems | 10:40-11:10
| Coffee break
| 11:10-12:00
| G. E. W. Bauer (Delft, Netherlands): Spin-caloritronic effects in magnetic nanostructures
| 12:00-12:15
| Closing remarks
| 12:15-14:00
| Lunch
| 14:00 | End of the workshop |
Congress Office
Heiko Fuchs
Phone: +49 - 40 - 42838 - 6959
Fax: +49 - 40 - 42838 - 2409
hfuchs@physnet.uni-hamburg.de Sigrid Schmidtke
Phone: +49 - 40 - 42838 - 7045
Fax: +49 - 40 - 42838 - 6188
Please fill in the online registration form.
registrations, cancellations and alterations must be sent to the
Conference Office. Registrations at reduced rates can be accepted only
if payment is credited to the Conference account by September 28, 2008. Abstract submission:
Download Abstract Template (DOC) Hotel Information:
Download Hotel information (PDF)
| Registration Fees
Payment received by September 28, 2008 |
Payment received after September 28, 2008 |
Regular participant |
€ 150.00 |
€ 180.00 |
Student | € 100.00 | € 130.00 | Dinner | € 70.00 | € 70.00 |
The registration fee includes: - Welcome reception October 7, 2008.
- Lunches and coffee breaks
| Payment by bank transfer
Please remit the total amount for registration fee in Euros
free of all bank charges to:
University of Hamburg
Bank: Hamburger Sparkasse, Hamburg, Germany
Account number: 1238159766 BLZ (only for transfer in Germany): 200 505 50
IBAN: DE79 2005 0550 1238 1597 66
| Workshop Deadlines
Submission of abstracts
| August 16, 2008
Notification of acceptance
| August 31, 2008
| September 15, 2008
Workshop | October 8-10, 2008 |
| Workshop Language
The workshop will be held in English.
Social Program
A get-together and other social events are
The workshop will take place in Hamburg, which is the
science, culture, business and trade center in the northern
part of Germany.
Download location maps (PDF) |