10.5.2016, 17:00 Jungiusstr. 11, Hörsaal AP | SFB 668 - Kolloquium Prof. R. Stamps (SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK): Dynamics of chiral spin systems: soliton lattices, defects and spinwavesIn this talk, I will discuss unusual features associated with chiral
interactions and geometries that lead to chiral ordering. A central
theme of the talk will be chirality in spin systems?its manifestation as
skyrmionic and helicoidal textures, the possibility of its emergence in
artificially designed structures, and potentials for its
application.[1,2] Interface induced Dzyaloshinskii interactions can have
significant effects on domain wall structure and mobility in thin
ferromagnetic films. Moreover, spin wave propagation can be strongly
affected, especially in regards to scattering from magnetic domain
walls.[3] Lastly, I comment on new ways of probing chirality in crystals
using a type of electronic vortex state. Electrons in these states
carry spin and angular momentum, and have great potential for use in
electron microscopy as new types of probes. [4-5]
1. Silva, R. L., Secchin, L. D. , Moura-Melo, W. A. , Pereira, A. R.,
and Stamps, R. L. (2014) Emergence of skyrmion lattices and bimerons in
chiral magnetic thin films with nonmagnetic impurities. Physical Review
B, 89. p. 054434
2. Togawa, Y., McVitie, S., Stamps, R.L., et al. (2015) Discrete
accumulation of chiral spin solitons. Physical Review B, 92. p. 220412
3. Garcia-Sanchez, F., Borys P., Soucaille R., Adam J.-P., Stamps, R. L.
and Kim, J.-V., (2015) Narrow magnonic waveguides based on domain
walls. Physical Review Letters, 114 p. 247206.
4. Greenshields C., Stamps R. L., Frank-Arnold, S. (2012) Vacuum Faraday
effect for electrons. New Journal of Physics, 14. p. 103040.
5. Greenshields, C., Stamps, R. L., Frank-Arnold, S., Barnett, S. Is
Angular Momentum Conserved in Electron Vortex Beams? Physical Review
Letters, 113 (10). p. 240404 |