24.1.2012, 17:00 Jungiusstr. 11, Hörsaal AP | SFB 668 - Kolloquium Prof. Dr. J.-C. Levy (University Paris-7): Magnetic vortices in dots: stability and dynamicsAnalytical considerations on magnetic vortices in 2D dots as well as
numerical computations from Langevin spin dynamics and from the dynamical
matrix diagonalization enable us to derive the phase diagram of 2D dots,
including the occurrence of out-of-plane and in-plane vortices. Analytical
considerations also show that non linear effects are strictly localized at
domain walls and vortices, and that such systems with dipolar interactions
enjoy wave packet magnons with special localization properties as confirmed
when solving the dynamical matrix. This last point has consequences on
Brillouin linewidth spectrum. Langevin spin dynamics show the evolution of
an out-of-equilibrium condition and thus the vortex gyrotropic motion as
well as the full magnon spectrum. |