Phone: +49 (0)40 42838 - 6230(off)
Email: tmatthie @
Postal Address: Institute of Applied Physics and Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center Hamburg Jungiusstr. 11a, Room: A314(off)D-20355 HamburgGermany
Large diversity of magnetic phases in two-dimensional magnets with spin-orbit coupling and superconductivity
J. Neuhaus-Steinmetz, T. Matthies, E. Y. Vedmedenko, Th. Posske, and R. Wiesendanger,
Phys. Rev. B 110 155427 (2024)
Topological characterization of dynamic chiral magnetic textures using machine learning
T. Matthies, A. Schäffer, Th. Posske, R. Wiesendanger, and E. Vedmedenko,
Phys. Rev. Appl. 17 054022 (2022)