Johannes Friedlein

Ph. D. Student, group member since 2011
Subgroup: STM/SP-STM and 11A_018


Phone: +49 (0)40 42838 - 7840(off); 7018(lab)
Fax:       +49 (0)40 4273 - 5311
Email:       jfriedle @

Postal Address:
Institute of Applied Physics and Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center Hamburg
Jungiusstr. 11A; 11A, Room:  303(off); 005(lab)
D-20355 Hamburg


Temperature and magnetic field dependent behavior of atomic-scale skyrmions in Pd/Fe/Ir(111) nanoislands
P. Lindner, L. Bargsten, S. Kovarik, J. Friedlein, J. Harm, S. Krause, and R. Wiesendanger,
Phys. Rev. B 101 214445 (2020)
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A radio-frequency spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscope
J. Friedlein, J. Harm, P. Lindner, L. Bargsten, M. Bazarnik, S. Krause, and R. Wiesendanger ,
Rev. of Scientific Instruments 90 123705 (2019)
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Magneto-Seebeck tunneling on the atomic scale
C. Friesen, H. Osterhage, J. Friedlein, A. Schlenhoff, R. Wiesendanger, and S. Krause,
Science 363 1065 (2019)
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Scanning Seebeck tunneling microscopy
C. Friesen, H. Osterhage, J. Friedlein, A. Schlenhoff, R. Wiesendanger, and S. Krause,
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 324001 (2018)
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High-frequency magnetization dynamics of individual atomic-scale magnets
S. Krause, A. Sonntag, J. Hermenau, J. Friedlein, and R. Wiesendanger,
Phys. Rev. B 93 064407 (2016)
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Magnetic Nano-skyrmion Lattice Observed in a Si-Wafer-Based Multilayer System
A. Schlenhoff, P. Lindner, J. Friedlein, S. Krause, R. Wiesendanger, M. Weinl, M. Schreck, and M. Albrecht,
ACS Nano 9 5908 (2015)
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Electric-field-induced magnetic anisotropy in a nanomagnet investigated on the atomic scale
A. Sonntag, J. Hermenau, A. Schlenhoff, J. Friedlein, S. Krause, and R. Wiesendanger,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 017204 (2014)
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